Calibrating Your Inner GPS


I get this question a lot:

How do I know I’m on the Right Path?

The absolute best news, ever, is that even by just ASKING this question, you are farther along than the majority of the world’s population!!

Most people ping-pong their way through life like a drunk moth trying to find the next light to fly into — without knowing whether or not that light is actually a bug zapper.

think I’m wrong?

Go find a bench at a crowded intersection or mall and people watch for a while.

That is not you, or you wouldn’t be reading this.

This question comes up — whether or not you are on the right path — when it seems as if your goals and dreams are “taking too long” to come into fruition, or if you are still a bit wobbly in your chosen path.

That is Okay.

This is Fixable.

Calibrating Your Inner GPS, simplified

Think of your goals — your great big, huge, and hairy goals as your destination.

It doesn’t matter if this big and hairy goal takes 3 or 5 or 10 years to achieve — you just know, deep down inside, that you WANT this.

you NEED this.

You won’t feel satisfied in life until this HAPPENS.

Then set your GPS.

Write it out — (don’t worry about the HOW) — just write out what the precise wants are —


Write out exactly what the end result looks like, tastes like, feels like, smells like, what you are wearing, who is with you, etc etc etc.

~  ~  ~

(hey steph, this seems hokey and stupid and I don’t want to)

Do it anyway. Humor me. Humor the future you.

~  ~  ~

Now Put this End Point Away for a Few Days

And then go through your day. Slowly.

Listen to your inner voices, intuition, guidance — if you get a flash of inspiration that leads you a teensy bit closer to this particular goal, then FOLLOW IT THROUGH.

over and over again.

And that’s It.


What You Can’t Do

is change your end destination. That confuses you AND your GPS.

and you won’t get anywhere.

Think about it — you are in San Francisco and want to drive to Las Vegas.

It’s going to take roughly 10 hours. Is it okay to stop for coffee, take photos at vista points, and buy souvenirs along the way?


But if you hit traffic in LA — do you then decide that Las Vegas isn’t “worth it” and that you should head home because it obviously wasn’t “meant to be”?


Teeny tiny baby steps. Just know where you are going and make the next best choice to move you forward.


You’ve got this.


oxxo steph


If you would like help mapping out your plan, or are in the need for a mindset tweak and/or upgrade, I’d like to invite you to join me in a free, 30 minute mindset upgrade call. I only schedule a few of these a week, and I absolutely love doing them. Find out more information, here:







  1. You are SO right in this write up, Stephanie! It is imperative to get a mind’s eye view of what you would LOVE to do, where you’d love to visit, HOW you’d like to travel…you name it. Dream it and don’t let go. When I did this (quite accidentally the first time), I couldn’t believe it when it absolutely came about. Just a quickie explanation….had this pontoon boat hanging in the laundry room…sails, the whole nine yards. About 5 years later was on vacation…in Mexico, no less, and was about to board, guess what! THE SAME BOAT that I had hanging in the laundry room for years! No lie. Factual. It was stocked with margaritas too. Yesssss.

    If you can get others in on this wonderful secret you are doing so much good in this world.

    NOTE: Guess what’s hanging in the laundry room? ….a HUGE painting of VENICE, ITALY!

    Love you to pieces… your humor and love your recipes….well, love everything I find out about you. You GO Girl! Valerie Blount, a fan in the mtns of AZ…..

  2. aw, lots of love to you Valerie!!

    this kind of thing is SO MUCH FUN to hear — I love that you got to board your boat, and that it had margaritas!! LOVE every little thing about this!!

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