What is Slow Parenting — episode 138 of the Slow Living Podcast

see all podcast notes, here

I have been parenting for over 20 years, and before I had children of my own, I ran preschool centers. 

I have an AA degree in Early Childhood Education and a BA in English Literature. 

I assumed I would get a teaching credential to teach high school English — but instead I began working right away for a county non-profit and began three childcare centers for low income children. 

When my kids were young, I wrote a newspaper column for moms called, “Steph and Sensibility” and gave talks for our local Mother’s Group. I wrote for Bay Area Parent magazine in the SF Bay Area.

I currently am a school site secretary for an elementary school.

I am not an expert in parenting.

I LOVE it, however.

In this newest episode of the Slow Living podcast I use the tools and structures we’ve learned about through the podcast and have applied it to Parenting.

I’m going to call this an Intro to Slow Parenting —

I’m not certain how many episodes I’ll record, but I do know that I have a lot to say on the subject! 😉

In this  particular episode I dive into what it means to be a Slow Parent and how you can parent in a thoughtful way.

As I have shared before, my acronym for SLOW is





and this applies to slow parenting as well as slow living. You can look within yourself to feel calm and confident in your parenting.

One of the most important things to start with is get to know your child. Understand what they are capable of and don’t give them expectations to live up to that they may not be ready for.

We are talking about:

  • How you handle a situation can affect your kids
  • Tips to discipline your child in a slow parenting way

I have something special for you, my Golden Rules for my family and I am sharing them with you!

You can find them HERE.

If you want more resources, go back to Episode 5: Teaching your children to slow down and have a listen!

I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas when it comes to Slow Parenting — email me or leave me a comment below and let me know your thoughts.

As always, consider yourself loved and hugged.
I think you are wonderful.
xoxo steph


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