episode 87 of the Slow Living Podcast: Control and Worthiness

see all podcast notes, here

June 6, 2023
Hi there pretty people and thank you for taking the time to open today’s email.
I am so filled with gratitude that you are here.
The newest episode of the Slow Living podcast is out, and I’ve already gotten a few emails/messages about it —
this one may stir up a lot of emotion.
It felt heavy for me to record it, and after I recorded it I really wanted to just email Mike, the podcast guy, and tell him to scrap it.
But instead I stewed for a week, lost sleep, and decided that who I am is who I am — so I let it stay “out there”

I don’t like feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable.
it makes me feel naked and like everyone is staring and trying to find all the flaws.
But that’s the work.
Going through the uncomfortable feelings and trying to figure out where they come from and how to use them/move through them in order to get to where you want to go.
Yes, you can shy away from and hide from feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability because they feel super uncomfortable, or you can numb them out with excess food, drugs, and alcohol.
Or you can sit, meditate, and journal them out.
(spoiler alert: that’s what I’m recommending!)

I still, to this day, struggle with feelings of unworthiness.

I still, to this day, feel like I haven’t done enough, my ideas aren’t fresh enough, and that my clothes aren’t correct for whatever the situation at hand may be.


and it’s getting less and less often as the years go on.

If you feel that this is something you need to poke at within yourself, I encourage you to do so.

The only way to get to the other side is to go through the uncomfortableness — even if it feels like an episode of Dora the Explorer and you have to crawl through the mucky swamp and climb the tallest mountain and tiptoe through the field of itchy thorns.



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