episode 86 of the Slow Living Podcast — Work Life Balance

see all podcast notes, here

May 30, 2023
Hello, hello beautiful people in the Slow Down Society —
thank you for being here.
It’s Tuesday after a 3-day weekend — which means that all day long I’m going to wonder what day it is.
It was a great weekend — we got a lot accomplished around the house and yard, all my kids were home, and I was able to take a nap 2 out of the 3 days.
that’s pretty awesome.
Also I recorded a class on journaling for a summit I’m a part of, recorded a podcast episode for next week, signed a contract for a new freelance writing opportunity, sold some cookbooks, worked on a new book project, and scheduled out a bunch of stuff to go out on social media in the next month.
(in case you were wondering when/if I ever work… )
Because that’s what this newest episode is all about.
Work / Life balance.
Because working all the time isn’t fun.
and laying around doing nothing gets old and boring pretty darn quick.

there needs to be some sort of balance.  When I was younger I thought that work/life balance meant that I needed to do a bit of EVERY BITTY THING each and every day, no matter what.


That’s a recipe for burnout.

instead, I teach you to listen to your body and honor her — and do the things that feed and nurture your soul.

While STILL crossing those pesty To-Dos off your list.


Take a listen — and then let me know your thoughts — I’d love to hear them.

xoxxo steph

here I am, with a big cheesy grin, waiting for Adam in our new-favorite restaurant. He’s paying the bill, I’m trying to see if there is a poppy seed in my teeth because I had a super tasty salad with poppy seed dressing.

Am I living my best life?

I think so.

I really, really, really think do.


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