Episode 72 of the Slow Living Podcast: Deciphering Data


February 21, 2023

Hi there pretty people and happy Tuesday!


I hope you had a lovely 3-day weekend. Today I’d like to get a little data-y with you. 😉

If you’ve been a longtime listener of the Slow Living podcast you will have heard me say many many (many!) times that you are not a spreadsheet.

and you aren’t.


BUT — that doesn’t mean I want you to not collect or pay attention to data.

deciphering data so you can make good decisions
When you are trying to better yourself or your life situation in some way, you do have to keep track and pay attention to what’s happening. It’s not going to be helpful to never step on a scale if you are trying to lose a bit of weight and it won’t be advantageous if you never look at your bank statement if you are trying to improve your financial situation.
Collect the data.
But try to separate your feelings from the data.
Data is just data. It doesn’t mean that you are good or bad or smart or stupid.
It’s inanimate information.
You need to work to keep your thoughts and feeling and emotions separate from the data — and that’s what this episode is all about.
I hope you enjoy it and please let me know your thoughts —

I think you are absolutely wonderful.

~ steph

image of buddy the elf loving data

I could use your help!

I want to ensure that I’m covering topics on the podcast that YOU are interested in. Hit reply and let me know what types of things you’d like me to discuss.

And if you are feeling gutsy and brave, you can do so by recording a voicemail message, here. (don’t worry, you can listen to your recording afterwards before it goes out into cyberspace. 😉 )

I think you are wonderful.

xoxxo steph


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