Episode 33 of the Slow Living Podcast: Healing Childhood Trauma

see all Slow Living Podcast notes, here.


It’s podcast day.

And today we are going to be talking about trauma.

ALWAYS a fun and uplifting topic!!


I’d like for you to take a listen, *even if* you don’t think this topic applies to you or to your life.

Because it does.

Even if you had an idyllic childhood, there are some things in your past that you need to sort through.

and if you are a parent or are someone who works with children, you should take a listen so you know how to help the children in your lives process day-to-day events and occurings properly.


Remember, I’m a lifecoach.

I help people get from where they are NOW to where they WANT to be, by helping people achieve their goals.

That’s it.

and I LOVE every bitty bit of it.

And the truth is, if you are finding that you aren’t making forward progress towards your goals — or if you find that you aren’t interested in even *setting* goals —

and you are living on the perpetual-hamster-wheel-of-life —

then you’ve got some cleaning up to do.


after listening you will:

? learn my suggestions on how taking a “childhood audit” is extremely beneficial for current goal setting/achieving

? listen in as I explain how you will continue to “numb out” the past with overeating/overdrinking, distraction if you don’t heal the past

? hear my ideas on how to talk to your inner child in a non-creepy or weird way
 ? begin to shift your perspective on why children work things up so much in their brains
 ? learn what to do to help your own children or kids in your life process big deal events
 ? hear my advice on how to speak to kids to get them to talk and open up
? learn about the crazy thoughts I had in my own childhood and adolescence and how I “fixed” them

I am here to help —

I’d love to hear back from you with your thoughts after listening to this episode. If you’d like to leave a recording, you may do so, here:



And if you’d prefer to write back, just hit the “reply” button on your email browser — I am a real person and I read my own email.



If this stirred some things up for you that you didn’t know you had buried, that is GOOD NEWS. That means you now know what you need to work on.


If you’d like to schedule a no-cost consultation call with me, you can add yourself to my calendar, here:


I hope you enjoy this episode — and AS ALWAYS — if you have any questions or comments, shoot me an email or tag me @stephanieodea
on Instagram or Facebook or record a voicemail question.
Consider yourself loved and hugged. I think you are wonderful.

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